Motilal Oswal AMC Gives Homework to Parents this Children’s Day!
Mumbai, November 12, 2024 — On this Children’s Day, Motilal Oswal Asset Management Company (AMC) unveils a touching film that nudges parents to learn the most important full-form for their children’s future. Through an engaging family interaction, the film emphasizes how Systematic Investment Plans (SIPs) can help parents secure the rising costs of quality education.
The story follows a middle-aged father confidently answering his daughter’s questions on educational full-forms such as MBBS and LLB. But when the mother asks him about the projected fees for these courses, he is left speechless—a relatable scenario for many parents today. This moment serves as a wake-up call, highlighting the significance of SIPs as a means to financially plan for educational aspirations.
Sandeep Walunj, Group Chief Marketing Officer at MOFSL, shared, “Parents often leave no stone unturned to fulfil the smallest needs & wants of children. But when it comes to the most significant investment for their future – the higher education costs, they are often found unprepared. Through this relatable film, we’re reminding parents that the cost of education is growing, SIP is one effective way to be prepared and the earlier they start, the lesser will be the amount!”
Shailendra Tiwari, Director at De Works Communications, shared, “Working on this campaign was a rewarding experience. We wanted to capture the genuine, relatable moment where parents realize the growing costs of education, all while staying true to the essence of family and planning for the future. The story unfolds naturally, allowing audiences to connect with the characters and understand the importance of financial planning through SIPs for their children''s future. We’re proud to have been a part of Motilal Oswal AMC''s vision to make financial literacy accessible and memorable.”
YouTube Link:
Campaign Credits:
· Sandeep Walunj, Group Chief Marketing Officer, MOFSL
· Abhay Godbole, Head of Creative and Communications Excellence, MOFSL
· Milind Khose, Manager, Marketing, MOAMC
Production House: FeelGood Production
• Concept: Nilesh Vaidya
• Director: Shailendra Tiwari
• Creative Producer: Nitin Mali
• Business Head: Rupali Pithwa
• Line Producer: Mukesh Mishra
• Actors:
• Father: Darshit Lahane
• Mother: Pallavi Singh
• Daughter: Yashvi Gauri
About De Works Communications Pvt. Ltd. (DWC): De Works Communications (DWC) is a creative advertising agency + inhouse production based in Mumbai, specializing in creating high-end visual content that brings ideas and concepts to life. We primarily serve the NBFC and BFSI sectors and offer a range of integrated pre- to post-production services, producing quality TVCs, DVCs, Animation films, AVs, and Graphics across all media platforms.
About Motilal Oswal AMC: Motilal Oswal Group possesses legacy in equities for over 3 decades. Motilal Oswal Asset Management Company Ltd. (MOAMC) is registered with SEBI as the Investment Manager for Motilal Oswal Mutual Fund. It was incorporated on November 14, 2008. It provides Investment Management and Advisory Services to investors based within and outside India and having AIF’s, Portfolio Management Services business and Mutual Funds.
For further details, contact:
Rohini Kute
Head, Corporate Communication,
Motilal Oswal Financial Services
Mob +919820196838
Source: Motilal Oswal Asset Management Company
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