In case of any grievance / complaint against the Intermediary Motilal Oswal Investment Advisors Limited, please contact:
Compliance Officer of the Intermediary
Mr. Subrat Kumar Panda
10th Floor, Motilal Oswal Tower, Rahimtullah Sayani Road,
Prabhadevi, Mumbai 400 025
+91 22 7193 4200 / + 91 22 7193 4380
Filing Complaints on SCORES: Easy & quick
Investors may also register their grievances on
SCORES PORTAL (https://scores.gov.in)
Mandatory details for filing complaints on SCORES:
By using your
Name, PAN, Address, Mobile Number, E-mail ID
Benefits of SCORES Portal
✔ Effective communication
✔ Speedy redressal of the grievances
If not satisfied with the response of the intermediary you can lodge your grievances with SEBI at https://scores.gov.in or you may also write to any of the offices of SEBI. For any queries, feedback or assistance, please contact SEBI Office on Toll Free Helpline at 1800 22 7575 / 1800 266 7575.